

This page contains a few selected Bible
study tools. I hope they prove helpful to you in your search for biblical
"Study to
shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15
Study Tools
Grace To You
Bulletin Board
Alpha and
Omega Ministries
Christian Research Institute
Christian Apologetic and Research Ministries
The Blue Letter Bible
Search the Bible from The
Sermon Notebook using the Blue Letter Bible.

News Items
Meetings and Travels
I will be preaching at New Prospect Baptist Church in Horton, AL, July 23-27, 2018. The Pastor is Kenneth Shelton.
The church is located at: 1393 County Highway 38 Horton, AL.
Please join uis for meeting if you can. Please pray regardless.
The Sermon Notebook on DVD or Flash Drive
Please check out the DVD
page if you are interested in obtaining a DVD, or if your are interested in obtaining the website, and thousands of additional sermons on USB flash drive.
New Resource Offer!
If you would like to receive my new sermons on a weekly basis, you can subscribe through Paypal using the button below. The cost is $60.00, which will purchase 1 year of weekly sermon updates. Once per week, all new sermons will be e-mailed to your inbox. With this new service, you will no longer have to wait until the web site is updated to have access to my new sermons.
Sermon Subscription:
