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Romans 10:1-21
Intro: Paul continues his appeal to the Jew. He has
already shown them that they have had numerous
opportunities in the past to enter God's salvation.
However, he wants them to know that God is still
working to bring them to faith. This chapter is all about
what God is doing to bring men to Himself. In these
verses, we are given a crystal clear picture of God's
plan of salvation. What we will see is that salvation
centers in the Lord Jesus Christ.
One of the common misunderstandings in our day
is that man somehow cooperates with God in bringing
about salvation. People believe that they must be good
to be accepted. Or, that they must do certain things
to please the Lord and earn His good favor. However,
nothing could be farther from the truth! What we will
see here is just what we saw in chapter 9. Salvation is
the work of God. Let's examine these words from the
Apostle Paul and look into God's Plan Of Salvation.
A. V. 1 The Condition Of Israel - Paul begins this
chapter with a clear statement concerning the
condition of the Jew. Paul says that the Jew is
lost in sin! He wants to see them saved. If we
will remember, Paul's burden for his kinsmen
was great, Rom. 9:1-3. He wants to see them
come to know God and to be delivered from the
wrath of God that hangs over them.
(Ill. Would to God that His people would get
under such a burden for the lost. I have come to
believe that we do really see the terror they face,
or the terrible condition they are in at the present
moment. While they may appear well and
healthy, in reality, they are walking dead men,
Eph. 2:1, who live under the constant threat of
divine wrath, John 3:18; 36. These are people
who, at any moment of time, could be cut off and
cast into Hell! They are not promised another
moment. Let us learn, like Paul, to love the lost
and reach out to them in the name of Jesus with
the good news of salvation!)
B. V. 2-3 The Confusion Of Israel - The Jews, in
their desire to please God by their works, totally
missed the truth that God is pleased through
faith alone, Heb. 11:6. True righteousness can
never be produced by the works of the flesh.
Why? Because the flesh is totally corrupt and
incapable of producing anything righteous that
will be accepted by God, Isa. 64:6. Israel
thought they could please God by keeping His
Law. They failed to see that they could never
keep the Law and that real righteousness is
awarded to those who simply look to God by
faith and trust Him and the finished work of
Jesus on the cross! This was the example left to
them by Abraham, Gen. 15:6.
(Ill. Sadly, many are in that same place today.
They are trying to be good so that they can
please God and earn a place in Heaven. They
hope God will weigh their good against their bad.
Their hope is that they will have more good than
bad and that God will let them in to Heaven on
the basis of their good works. However, the
Bible is clear when it tells us that this will never
work, Eph. 2:8-9; Titus 3:5. Again, I must
remind us all that it is not about what we can do,
it is about what Jesus has already done for us!)
C. V. 4 The Conclusion Of The Apostle - What
Paul is saying here is that Jesus did what the
Law could never do. He makes those who trust
Him by faith righteous! We could never keep the
Law and please the Lord. However, Jesus lived
a sinless life and died in the place of every
sinner. He fulfilled the just demands of the Law
and set us free from it! He provides
righteousness full and free for everyone that will
trust Him by faith, 2 Cor. 5:21; Rom. 4:18-25.
Salvation and righteousness are given to all
those who trust Jesus by faith. Paul's conclusion
is that salvation can be found in the finished
work of Jesus alone!
(Ill. This is not to say that we shouldn't live right.
This is one of the big complaints people of other
denominations have against us Baptists. They
say, and are often right in doing so, that we have
low standards. We believe we are saved apart
from any effort, that we are saved eternally, and
as a result that we live undisciplined and loose
lives. This should not be! While we are saved
bu pure grace, we are saved to serve the Lord.
Not the flesh! Not self. Not the world or the
devil. If we are really born again, we are free
from the Law, but we are not free to follow sin.
In fact, we are free from the bondage of sin and
are more able to live for the Lord than we have
ever been, Rom. 6:6-18!)
I. Jesus The Savior Revealed
A. V. 5-10 The Procedure - In these verses Paul
teaches us the true path to salvation. He shows
what won't work, then he shows us what will
work to save man's soul.
1. V. 5 It Isn't Found In Keeping The Statutes
- Paul reminds us that righteousness is
possible through the Law, but only if a person
could keep every precept perfectly and not
break even the smallest. Because to break
one means a person is guilty of the whole
thing, James 2:10. Of course, even if a
person were able to perfectly keep the Law,
he would still have to deal with the problem of
his sinful nature. You see, man isn't a
sinner because he sins, man sins because
he is a sinner, Rom. 3:23; Gal. 3:22. We
are born in sin, we just prove the reality of
our sinful nature by the things we do.
2. V. 6-7 It Isn't Found In Great Signs - Paul is
quoting from Deuteronomy. He is telling his
readers that no one needs to look to Heaven
for signs or the earth for sings. Just as no
one has to go to Heaven to get bring down
the Law, Jesus has already come down from
Heaven. Just as no one has to search the
seas to find the way, Jesus has come to
make and be the way.
These are confusing verses, but the
emphasis seems to be on the thought that no
personal effort is required. The seeker is not
required to perform some sort of mystical,
fantastic scavenger hunt to find Jesus. He
has already come and made the way clear.
Jesus had already taken care of everything
for us!
3. V. 8-10 It Is Found In Simple Surrender -
Paul tells the readers that their entrance into
salvation is as close to them as their own
heart and their own mouth. They have
everything they need to be saved present
with them. All they need to do is go about it
God's way. Paul tells us that the heart and
the mouth are involved in this matter of our
salvation. Let's examine these two
processes carefully. After all, our eternity
depends on our coming to Jesus God's way!
1. The Mouth - It is to confess the Lord
Jesus. The Word "confess" carries the
idea of "saying the same thing about".
God wants the lost sinner to come to the
place where he can say the same thing
about Jesus that God the Father has
already said about Him. God wants us to
come to the place where we are in
agreement with everything the Bible says
concerning the Person and work of the
Lord Jesus Christ. Such as:
A. His virgin birth
B. His sinless nature
C. His Lordship
D. His substitutionary death on the cross
E. His bodily return
F. His ascension into glory
G. His intercessory work
H. His visible return
All of these are essential to salvation!
You cannot treat Jesus like He is a buffet.
You cannot select the part of Him you like
while rejecting the part of Him you do not
like. The mouth is required to confess the
truth about Who He is! So, the first step
is agreement with God about the Person
and work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
2. The Heart - The ancients saw the heart
as the center of all thought, the house of
the will, the deepest and most sacred part
of man. Paul is saying that to be saved,
a person must place his absolute trust in
the finished work of Christ. He mentions
the resurrection. However, a resurrection
presupposes a death. So, Paul wants
lost men to know that is they will be
saved, they must believe in the completed
work of Jesus with all their beings. The
idea being that we are to trust what He
did on the cross and at the tomb alone for
our salvation! It is to be Jesus and Jesus
alone that is the object of faith! He must
not be wedded with anything else, but He
must be trusted exclusively. Anything
less that total trust in the Lord Jesus will
not produce salvation, but will lead the
sinner straight to Hell.
(Ill. Sadly, many are trying to hold Jesus
with one hand and other things with the
other. This will not work! Salvation is
Jesus plus nothing! That is made clear
many times in the Word of God, Acts
16:31; John 3:16; John 6:47; Eph. 2:8-9
The question we need to answer for
ourselves is this: "What am I trusting to
get me to Heaven right now?")
B. V. 11-13 The Promises - When we come to
faith the right way, God's way, we are given
some precious promises. Notice what they are.
1. V. 11 Assurance - We are reminded here
that when we trust Jesus according to God's
plan, we will never be disappointed. We will
never hear Him tell us, "I'm sorry, but I
can't save you." No! Instead, we will hear
Him say, "Well done thou good and faithful
servant." No one who trusts Jesus for their
soul's salvation need ever fear losing it or
being ashamed when they face Him in the
next life!
2. V. 12 Acceptance - This verse tells us the
precious truth that God does not play
favorites. Anyone who hears His call and
responds in faith will be saved by the grace
of God. You see, there are many places
here on this earth where you and I would not
be accepted. Yet, when we come to the Lord
by faith, we can and will be saved and
accepted of Him. Compared to that, what
else really matters?
3. V. 13 Amnesty - Here the promise is
confirmed. We are reminded that whosoever
calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
By the way, to "call on the name of the
Lord" means to call His way! Not on your
terms, but His! This word has reference to a
time when to "call upon the Lord" meant to
seek God is a way He had prescribed. So,
when someone says, "God and I have an
arrangement." You can bank on the fact
that they are lost. They may be calling on the
lord, but they are not calling on the Lord
Jesus! No one who comes will be turned
away, John 6:37. Those who come are said
to be saved. This word means "to be
rescued from all harm and danger." That
is, the redeemed child of God need never
fear being cast out or cast away. When God
saves a soul, He saves that soul forever,
John 6:37-40; Eph. 4:30; John 10:28; 1
Pet. 1:5. We are granted eternal, divine
amnesty and will never be brought into
judgment for our sins ever again!
C. V. 14-15 The Provision - How did all this come
about? Paul wants us to know that it was all the
work of God. It may end with the sinner calling
on the Lord for salvation, but it began with the
Lord raising up a messenger to take to word of
life to a lost and dying world. This reminds us of
that which we have already learned. Salvation is
God's work and He accomplishes it all by
I. Jesus The Savior Revealed
II. Jesus The Savior Received
A. V. 16-20 Their Rejection Is Confusing - Israel
had the prophets. They had the Law of God.
They had heard the report of the coming
Messiah and they had even had the Messiah in
their midst. They had even seen the Lord turn to
the Gentiles and save many of them. In fact,
during Paul's day the Gentiles were pouring into
the kingdom of God while the Jew steadfastly
refused to believe. It is confusing that they were
able to sin against so much light and still not
come to God. They heard and they knew, yet
they refused to believe!
(Ill. While this is truly confusing, it is no more so
than those who come into our modern churches
where the Word of God and the Gospel are
preached. These people hear the truth and they
know the truth, yet they refuse to come to Jesus.
Why? I don't know! I suppose it all goes back to
what we learned in chapter 9, man is dead in sin
and headed to Hell until he is awakened to his
condition by the grace of God. They are like the
Jews in Jesus' time. He said this about them in
Matt. 13:13; "because they seeing see not;
and hearing they hear not, neither do they
understand." It is a situation for which there are
no easy answers and no easy cures! However,
it is the way things are and we must accept them
by faith!)
B. V. 21 Their Rejection Is Continuing - Here the
Apostle quotes the prophet Isaiah to remind
them of His love and His patience toward them.
Even though they have and continue to reject
Him, He still reaches out to them and wants
them to turn to Him. Throughout their history,
Israel had been guilty of rejecting the clear path
they had been given by God and of choosing
their own path to Him. They attempted to reach
God through self-effort and self-righteousness.
Both of which failed terribly. This condition of
Israel was spoken of by the Lord Jesus in a
parable given in Luke 14:21-24. Because they
refused to come, He turned to others. This was
also the reason for the words of Christ in Matt.
23:37, "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that
killest the prophets, and stonest them which
are sent unto thee, how often would I have
gathered thy children together, even as a hen
gathereth her chickens under her wings, and
ye would not!" They had been given God's plan
of salvation, but they refused to follow it. As a
result, they came under His condemnation and
judgment. Such will be the case of every sinner
who refuses to repent and honor God's plan for
the salvation of his soul!
Conc: If we can learn anything from this passage, may
we learn the truth that God only has one plan of
salvation. It is not a Jewish plan, nor is it a Baptist plan.
If we expect to miss Hell and to go to Heaven when we
leave this world, then we must come to God on His
terms. We must reject every work of the flesh and
every attempt to get there on our own. Let us do as
Peter commanded in 2 Peter 1:10, "Wherefore the
rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling
and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall
never fall:" be certain you have come to God on His
terms and that you are truly saved tonight. Are you