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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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Back To The Future – Sermon #26 TWO WITNESSES FROM ANOTHER WORLD Intro: We are still in a parenthetical of Scripture. God is
describing a break in the action of the Tribulation as He takes care of some
heavenly business. As I mentioned in our last study, this is one of the most
difficult passages in the Revelation to interpret. There
are two facts to keep in mind as we study these verses. 1.
We are on Jewish ground – The
images and words used are Jewish in nature. 2.
We are dealing with events
related to the future – The book of Revelation details future events. Any
other interpretation destroys its meaning and purpose. In
verses 1-2 we discovered that a new
Jewish temple will be built in The
next vision we are given is of two special witnesses. God sends two ambassadors
from Heaven to preach His Gospel message to the people in
v. 3-4 How Their Ministry Is
Designed – These two men are raised up for a special purpose. These two
verses tell us much about these men and what they are sent to do. 1. They are called witnesses – This word translates the word that
gives us our English word “Martyr”. The word originally
referred to someone who gave testimony about something; a witness. However, as
so many Christians began to give their lives for the cause of Christ, the word
came to be associated with those who gave their lives for their faith. These
two men have come to witness to God’s truth and, as we shall see, they will
give their lives for Him too. 2.
They are sent as a team – God
always has His witnesses! In the days before the flood, God had His Noah. In
the dark days of idolatry in 3.
They are sent to prophesy.
What will be the content of their message? No one knows for sure, but I think
they will stand outside the newly completed 4.
They will be clothed in sackcloth
– Sackcloth is a symbol of mourning. These men will not come with a message
a peace, comfort and hope. They will bring a message of condemnation and
judgment to a wayward people. 5.
Their ministry will last for
three and one-half years – While we cannot be too sure of when their
ministry will begin, we can safely say that they will commence their preaching
sometime after the 6.
They are described as “olive trees” and “candlesticks” – This is symbolic of God’s hand on their
ministry. The olive tree is the source of olive oil. It is often a type of the
Holy Spirit in the Bible. These men are anointed by the Spirit of God for their
particular ministry. The “olive tree” speaks of their unction.
The “candlestick”
speaks of their function. They will come to bring the light of God’s message to
a darkened world. B.
v. 5 How Their Ministry Is Defended – These two men will be
extremely unpopular because of the message they have been sent to deliver. As a
result, many will try to kill them. But, these men are under divine protection.
Everyone who tries to kill them will be killed by them. They will have the
power to destroy their attackers with fire from their mouths. (Note: As long as you are in the
Lord’s will, you are invincible! He will keep His hedge of protection about you
and keep you safe until it is time for Him to take you home to glory. Until the
Lord gets finished with you, no man or no devil can harm you!) C.
v. 6 How Their Ministry Is Described – These two men will be able
to use miraculous signs to prove the authenticity of their message. They will
be able to shut up the heavens as Elijah did. They will be able to turn water
to blood and call down plagues from Heaven as Moses did. They will have immense
power at their disposal and they will be able to use it whenever they wish. (Note: There are many modern preachers who claim to have the ability
to perform miracles. The only problem with them is that they are liars! They
are not healing, raising the dead, etc. they are charlatans and hucksters, who only
care about getting their hands of the money of those deluded people who fall
for their lies. These two witnesses, on the other hands, will be the real deal!
They will preach God’s message and validate it with wonders and miracles!) (Note: Before we move deeper in this passage, let’s take a
minute to talk about who these men might be. First, let me say that no one
knows for sure. The Bible does not identify them and no one can say with
absolute certainty just who they are. There
are a couple of guesses and I will share those with you and the reasons why
certain men are mentioned. 1. Moses
and Elijah – According to Mal. 4:5, Elijah will return before
Jesus comes. John the Baptist fulfilled this prophecy according to Jesus, Matt. 11:14; 17:10-13. However, Malachi
says that Elijah would come “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet
before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to
the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and
smite the earth with a curse,” Also,
consider the fact that Elijah never died in light if Heb. 9:27. And consider the fact that one of the miracle the two
witnesses will perform will be the stopping of the rain. This was one of
Elijah’s miracles, As
for Moses, he is mentioned in 2. Enoch
– Some people believe that it will be Enoch with either Moses or Elijah. Enoch
was a preacher of righteousness, 3.
We won’t know who they are until they come. All that we really need to
know is that God always has His witnesses!
I. The Ministry Of The Two Witnesses II. v.
v. 7 The Reason For Their Deaths – When they have finished their
appointed ministry, Antichrist will be allowed to kill them. Until that moment,
they are protected by the hand of God and cannot be killed. We are told that
they are killed by “the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit”. This is a reference
to the Antichrist. He is called “the beast” 38 times in the
Revelation. He ascends out of Hell itself letting us know that he is
demonically charged and controlled. He will make war against the witnesses and
he will be allowed to overcome them and kill them. We will learn more about him
in coming weeks. (Note: There is a blessed nugget here for every saint of God.
Death is not in the hands of a man or of a devil. Death is in the hands of God
Almighty. He decides when people leave this world and you cannot die until He
says it is time. So many people live their lives in fear of death. They fail to
grasp the truth that death is powerless against them until God severs the
golden cord of life and allows death to claim the soul. There is, therefore, no
need to fear men, armies or devils. You will not die until He says it is time
and you will not live a second longer when He says it is time to go! B.
v. 8-10 The Reaction To Their Deaths – The bodies of these men will
be left in the very streets where they were killed. They will lay there in Verse 10 tells us that the people of
the earth will rejoice because these two men are dead. For three and one-half
years these men have preached the Gospel and caused plagues to be poured out on
men. Now they are dead and the world celebrates. They act as if it were
Christmas time. They celebrate, they party and they exchange gifts because
these men are dead. Why
do they do this? The preaching of these two witnesses drove them crazy. We are
talking about a world that rejected Jesus Christ and His blood. They have
turned a deaf ear to Bible preaching. They have given their allegiance to the
devil and they do not want to hear about God. These men have been preaching the
truth and their message of judgment and condemnation got under people’s skin.
Now they are dead and the world throws a party! By the way, this is the only
scene of joy on the earth during the whole Tribulation. And there are happy
because God’s men are dead and God’s message is silent. What a tragedy! (Note: Just for the record, the world will rejoice when old
time Bible preaching is finally silenced. Now, they love the preaching of this
crowd that exalts the flesh. They like that namby-pamby, milquetoast preaching
that tells people they are okay. This world hates preaching that exalts Christ
and demands holiness. This world hates preaching that stands on the Bible and
says “there is no other way.” This world cannot stand preaching that
closes the door of salvation to homosexuals, abortionists, murders and other
sinners who won’t repent of their sins and turn to Jesus by faith. This world
hates preaching that magnifies Jesus as the only way to get to God. They will
rejoice when it is gone. Then, they can settle in and listen to the prophets of
love and acceptance that flood the airwaves and be happy as they plug headlong
into Hell. That is where we are today and things are just going to get worse as
we approach the end of this thing!)
I. The Ministry Of The Two Witnesses II. The Massacre Of The Two Witnesses III.
v. 11 The Miracle Of Their Awakening – The bodies of these men are
allowed to lie in the streets of (Note: Do you remember what you felt when you watched those
airplanes slam into the B.
v. 12 The Miracle Of Their Ascension – Then, while the world
watches, the Lord God will reenact the Rapture, Rev. 4:1, and the two witnesses will rise up into Heaven. The world
will see what it missed out on when Jesus came. Maybe they will comprehend in
that moment of time what happened when millions of people disappeared in the
Rapture of the church. The
world will be given a clear testimony of the power of God Almighty! Satan,
Antichrist and lost man will be reminded that God is in control of the world
and all that happens in it. They will be helpless to stop this resurrection and
rapture of the two witnesses. C.
v. 13-14 The Miracle Of Their Avengement – Before the world can catch
its collective breath, a great earthquake will hit Conc: In verse 14 we are told, “The
second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly.” More
horrors are on the way! The worst is yet to come and we are going to look into
far more horrible things in coming weeks. Let
me close with this thought: We think our world is in bad shape, and it is! We
talk about the wickedness of men, the hardness of human hearts, and the evil
that flourishes all around us. But, think about this: We are living in a world
that is inhabited by the redeemed people of God; the Bible is here and it is
preached around the world; the Holy Spirit is here suppressing evil and
hindering its spread in the world. In the Tribulation Period, the church is
gone, so no one is praying for the world. The Bible will probably be taken out
of circulation. You can almost guarantee the fact that it won’t be preached in
power and authority. The Spirit of God will leave when the church leaves. A
world like that will grow more evil than you and I can comprehend. I am glad
that I am saved and that I will not be here for those awful days. What
about you? Are you saved? Are you trusting Jesus as your personal Savior today?
If not, you can be! If you have strayed away from Him, you can come home today.
If you have loved ones and acquaintances who will be left here for the horrors
of the Tribulation, you can at least pray for them today. At
the very least, we need to call on the Lord and ask Him to send us one more
revival before the end comes. There is a multitude that needs to be saved.
Let’s ask Him to use us to reach them before it is too late. |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |