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Pursued By Grace Series Sermon #6
Ruth 2:17-21
Intro: Ruth the Moabitess has gone to the field of Boaz to glean barley. While
she was there, she met the owner of the field. She caught his eye. She ate
lunch at his table and he personally served her the food. When she left the field
that day, she left with more than she bargained for. She returns home that
evening weary and tired from her labors, but she has a tale to tale. All day, her
mother-in-law Naomi would have been waiting for her to return with enough
grain for a little meal. When Ruth does return, she is loaded down with enough
grain to last them a week. Not only does she have grain, but she has some
good news to tell as well.
I want to share that good news with you today. It is news that we all need
to hear, because this Good News From The Field Of Grace will help each of
us to grow in our own walk with the Lord. There are some mighty big truths
here for those willing to grab hold of them this morning. Allow me to share with
you this Good News From The Field Of Grace.
A. V. 17 Provisions That Were Designed To Satisfy - When Ruth
returns home, she has 25lbs of barley. This is more than enough to
feed these 2 women for a week. She went looking for enough for one
meal and returned with enough to feed them for a week. Boaz wanted
her to get so much in his field that she would never even dream of
gleaning anywhere else. (Note: Our Heavenly Boaz is determined to
bless His people, Eph. 1:3. He wants to give you so much that you will
never think of going anywhere else to glean.) (Note: Ruth's words to
Naomi in verse 21 serve to show them that the blessings would
continue until the end of the harvest. The Lord doesn't intend to stop
blessing you until you leave this world. Then, the real blessings begin, Eph. 2:7!)
B. V. 18 Provisions That Were Designed To Show - Can you see Ruth
as she throws that 25lb across her should and heads into the city?
Everyone who sees her pass by knows that she is that Moab girls.
They know she has nothing and by now most of them know she has
gone to the field of Boaz to glean. They can see that she has a
received a blessing just by watching her go past. It might be that Boaz
was making a statement to the community. That sack of grain
trumpeted, "I've got my eye on Ruth, and I'm going to be a blessing
to her life." (Note: God's blessings in your life are designed to show a
lost world just how good God is. He blesses His people to create a
desire for Him in the hearts those who do not know Him. That is why
He gives us grace for living. He wants to use us as living testimonies
to His grace, His power and His glory, Matt. 5:16. As we live out the
real blessings of God, the world is going to be affected by God's work
in us! What are the real blessings of God? "But the fruit of the Spirit
is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law." Gal. 5:22-23!
A child of God who displays these graces in his or her life is a child of
God who walks in victory!)
C. V. 18 Provisions That Were Designed To Share - Not only does she
share the bounty of her provision with Naomi, but she also shares the
remaining part of her portion that she was given by Boaz in verse 14.
Ruth isn't selfish, she wants to share what she has with Naomi. (Note:
We are not to simply horde up the blessings of the Lord, but we are to
share them with others. Whatever we have been blessed with by God
has been given to us to use for His glory. Whether it be a talent, God's
truth, a gift, financial resources, etc. His blessings are given to us so
that we might share them with others.) (Note: Ruth got what she did
because she was willing to work for it! She gleaned and she got! The
same is true in spiritual matters! You get out of something about as
much as you put into it! Whether it be prayer, worship our just victory
in your daily life, it isn't for the lazy! God's best is reserved for those
who are willing to deny themselves, take up His cross daily and follow
Him, Matt. 16:24.)
A. V. 19 A Person Who Is Interested In The Situation - When Naomi
sees all that Ruth has returned with, she is overwhelmed and begins to
magnify the person who has given so much. She can easily see that
you don't get this much by merely gleaning! She knows that someone
has blessed them with an open hand! She blesses the person who "has
taken knowledge of thee". The word "knowledge" conveys the idea
of "paying attention to; to acknowledge; to notice". Naomi realizes
that the person who gave them this grain has noticed Ruth and wanted
to be a special blessing to her. Naomi doesn't know it yet, neither does
Ruth, but Ruth has been noticed by one who is interested in knowing
her better, 2:5; 2:8-9; 2:14; 2:21. He is interested in her situation!
(Note: The Lord Jesus is interested in you this morning! Wherever you
may be in your spiritual journey, Jesus is interested in knowing you
better. If you are lost, He is interested in knowing you in salvation. If
you are cold and backslidden, He is interested in knowing you
intimately. If you are defeated, He is interested in leading you to the
place of power and victory. The question is: Are you interested in
what He has to offer you?)
B. V. 19 A Person Who Is Involved In The Situation - Not only is Boaz
interested in Ruth's situation, he is now involved. He has opened his
hands and his heart to her and is taking steps to improve her condition, 2:11; 2:15-16. He is busy working behind the scenes to do what Ruth
needs. He is involved in her life. (Note: Our heavenly Boaz is also
involved in your life. Oh, there are times when He cannot be seen and
there are times when His Hand is not visible, but you can rest assured
that He is actively working on your behalf to fulfill His plan for your life!
Ill. Psa. 121:1-8.)
C. V. 20-21 A Person Who Is An Instrument In The Situation - Boaz
doesn't even realize the extent that he is being used in the lives of these
two women. He had become an instrument in the hand of the Lord.
There are three ways in which Boaz is being used by God as an
instrument of blessing.
1. He Is An Instrument Of Revival - If you will look at 1:20-21, you will
see that Naomi is a defeated and discouraged woman. She is this
was because of her backslidden condition. However, when Ruth
returns from the field of grace with the good news of Boaz, Naomi
is once more restored to the place of worship and victory. God has
used this man to encourage the heart of one of His children. (Note:
You might be in a position this morning in which you have allowed
your heart to grow cold and hard toward the things of the Lord. I
just want to remind you that if you are His, He knows where you are
and one day, He will show up and set things right in your heart and
life. Just because you are down, you are not out! One of the first
steps in getting back in the place of His best blessings is to come
before Him and deal with whatever is lacking in your life. This is the
challenge fo the Word of God - 1 John 1:9; Psa. 51:7-12!)
2. He Is An Instrument Of Redemption - As Naomi listens to Ruth
speak, the wheels of her mind are turning. She hears the name
Boaz and says that he is "near of kin". This means that she thinks
he might be a distant relative of theirs. Then she remembers who
he is and says, "he is one of our next kinsmen". Now, she begins
to realize all that the Lord is doing. In His providence, He has
brought Ruth into contact with one who has the right of redemption
according to he Law, Lev. 25:25-34. You can almost see her
regaining her spiritual confidence. (Ill. The Levirate Law of
Redemption.) For a man to be a Kinsman Redeemer three things
had to be true:
A. He Had To Be Related - Boaz is related, 2:1. (Note: So is
Jesus - Phil. 2:5-11; John 1:1, 14!)
B. He Had To Be Able To Redeem - Boaz is a mighty man of
wealth, 2:1. (Note: Jesus is able to redeem all who come to
Him for salvation - Heb. 7:25; Heb. 10:10-14.)
C. He Had To Be Willing To Redeem - Everything Boaz is doing
suggests that he is willing to do anything to get to know Ruth.
(Note: Jesus was more than willing to pay the price for our
redemption - John 18:37; Rom. 5:8; Isa. 53:4-7.)
(Note: These women needed a redeemer. If they didn't find one,
they would live their lives in poverty. If you are not saved, you need
a redeemer! You have one if you will accept Him. His name is
Jesus and He died for you!) (Note: If you will take a minute to think
back over what the Lord has done for you if you are saved, you will
have to admit that you have many reasons to praise His Name and
to rejoice in Him this morning! Are you doing it?)
3. He Is An Instrument Of Refreshment - Ruth tells Naomi in verse
21 that she will be going back to the field of grace to work until the
harvest has ended. In other words, they are going to enjoy plenty
because of this man named Boaz. I would imagine that every day
he reminded the reapers to drop the "Handfuls on Purpose" for
Ruth. Everyday he would see that she had parched corn, a cool
drink of water and all the grain she could carry when she left the
field. He was going to be a blessing to Naomi and Ruth. (Note:
Just a reminded to you who are living on spiritual scraps this
morning, Jesus wants to load your wagon! He has glory, and
power, and victory and blessing for every one of His children, Rom.
8:37; 1 Cor. 15:57. But, it isn't for the lazy. For Ruth to get what
Boaz wanted her to have when would have to go to the field of
grace day by day and work. So it is in the spiritual realm. If you
want the best, then you have to pay the price in prayer, holiness
and time spent in communion with the Lord. Your walk with the
Lord is no stronger, no deeper, no greater than you want it to be!
If there is a lack in your life spiritually, it's not everyone around you!
If you want to see the problem, look no farther than the nearest
mirror. Better yet, look no farther than your own heart, for there lies
the problem and the solution. Ill. Your help lies in David's Psalm of
repentance - Psalm 32.)
Conc: Did you need to hear some of these truths this morning? Does you
relationship and fellowship with the Lord need help today? The first step to take
is a step in His direction. If He has challenged you as a believer about your
personal walk with Him, then come to this altar and do something about it! If He
has showed you that you are lost and headed to Hell, then get down here and
receive Jesus as your Savior and let God change the outcome and direction of
your life. There's good news from the field of grace! But, it will never help you
until you deal with it on a personal level!