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Intro: I cannot imagine anything more horrible than having to spend
eternity in Hell apart from God. Yet, Jesus says that there is a particular sin, that if
it is committed, it will doom the guilty party to Hell for eternity. This is a sin for
which there is absolutely no forgiveness. That is a pretty sobering thought! This sin has
come to be known as the Unpardonable Sin. When something is deemed unpardonable, it simply
means that there is no forgiveness possible.
Is Jesus really saying that it is possible to commit a sin so hideous,
so horrible, so awful, and so repulsive to God that He, the very God of Grace, cannot and
will not forgive it? Yes He is! In fact, there may be some in this very room who are in
danger of committing this sin today! If that danger were a possibility, wouldnt you
want to be warned before hand? Of course you would! Only a fool would want go on in sin
and go so far that he became hopelessly, irrevocably and eternally lost.
This morning, I want to talk to you about the unpardonable sin.
Hopefully, we can come to understand it better. Today, we will consider this question:
"Have you committed the Unpardonable Sin?"
A. The words, "unpardonable sin", do not appear in the Bible. Men who fear
committing this sin give them. The very name points out mans fear of this sin. They
are also a theological designation for a sin that can never have forgiveness.
B. Nobody in their right mind wants to be found guilty of a sin so damning that it can
never be forgiven. (Ill. I have often heard people make reference to the commission of
this sin. Many who came to be saved have feared that they were guilty of committing it.)
C. Usually, the fear of committing this sin is grounded in falsehood, poor
interpretation of the Scriptures and in ignorance of what this sin really is. My aim is to
shed some light on that very thing today.
A. Many and varied are the ideas as to what this sin is. 99.9%, however, are just plain
B. Notice some things that men have classified as the unpardonable sin.
(Ill. some of you may be guilty of some of these, and fear that you have committed this
1. Murder (Ill. What about David? 2 Sam. 11-12) God forgave
him Acts 13:22!
2. Suicide (This is the sin of self-murder and while it cannot be
repented of, it is still covered in the atoning sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Ill.
Matt. 12:31; 1 John 2:1-2!
3. Adultery (Ill. David!) By the way, ever had lust in your heart?
Matt. 5:28 Are you still saved?
4. Lying (Ill. Abraham Gen. 12:10-20; Gen. 18:17-19) (Ill.
Simon Peter Matt. 26:69-75; Acts 2:14-41!)
5. Stealing (Ill. Eph. 4:28)
6. Taking Gods Name In Vain (Ill. Ex. 20:7; Ill. Peter
Matt. 26:74)
7. Failing As A Christian (Ill. 2 Pet. 2:21) (Ill. The Disciples
Matt. 27:56 They all forsook Him and fled, yet all went on to glory in His
Name and in his service!)
8. Nor is it any other sin that you can name! (Ill. Jesus died for them all John
1:29; Col. 2:13-14; Heb. 9:26)
C. The truth is, the death of Jesus on the cross paid for all sin forever! (Ill. The
glory of being forgiven 1 John 1:7; Psa. 103:12)
D. However, there remains one sin for which there is no forgiveness, now or forever!
A. Who Can Commit The Unpardonable Sin?
1. Can A Saint Commit It? No! Why?
a. We Are Saved (Rom. 5:9; 2 Tim. 1:9) (Ill. Even if we totally
blow our Christian life and wind up in the gutter of life, even that does not negate our
salvation Ill. 1 Cor. 3:10-15 Not everyone gets it right! (Ill. The guy in 1
Cor. 5:5 Apparently even he was saved Smoke that one over a little while!)
b. We Are Sealed (Ill. Eph. 4:30) We are indwelled by the Holy
Spirit. Ill. The saint may grieve the Spirit, but when He came in, He came in to stay
John 14:16-18. (Ill. 2 Timothy 2:13)
c. We Are Secure (1 Pet. 1:5) The saint of God is as certain for
Heaven as if he were already there!
d. No! The saved person can never commit the unpardonable sin!
(Ill. D. L. Moody told the story of an aged minister who believed he had committed the
unpardonable sin. After much inner turmoil, he gave in to what he mistakenly thought to be
God's will--for him to be lost. Then something within him whispered, "Suppose there
is a hell for you, what would you, with your disposition, do there?' The quick answer was,
"I would set up a prayer meeting." With those words came the light of God to
show the absurdity of his fears. The very fact that he feared he had committed this sin,
plus his deep concern, proved he had not.)
2. Can A Sinner Commit It? Yes! Why? Because he is outside the protective
shield of the blood of Jesus! Therefore, it is possible forthe lost person to commit the
unpardonable sin.
(Ill. We have seen what this sin isnt and who can and cannot commit it, but we
have yet to see exactly what it is. How can you know if you are guilty of committing this
sin until you know what it is?)
B. What Is The Unpardonable Sin? (Ill. The context of this passage. The
Pharisees were attributing the work of the Holy Spirit in Christ to the Devil. In
actuality, they were rejecting the witness of the Holy Spirit concerning Christ. The Holy
Spirit is in the business of showing off Jesus John 16:13-14! Jesus, by His
miracles, had proven Himself to be of God. When these Pharisees rejected the witness of
the Spirit, their rejection of God was complete and final!
Ill. Israel and their rejection of the Almighty John 1:11
1. In rejecting John the Baptist, they were rejecting the Father
2. In rejecting the Person of Christ, they were rejecting the Son.
3. In rejecting the Apostles, they were rejecting the Spirit.
To reject the forerunner (John) was forgivable. To reject the pre-Calvary Jesus was
forgivable, but to reject the witness of the Spirit was the final straw and meant absolute
destruction and eternal damnation!
(Ill. Some say, "Christ is no longer on the earth and these events cannot be
duplicated, therefore this sin cannot be committed." That is correct, but only to a
point! Because, ultimately, their sin boiled down to a simple rejection of the witness of
the Spirit concerning the truth of Jesus Christs identity!)
C. Can This Sin Be Committed Today? Yes! Heres How!
1. The Holy Spirit still testifies of Jesus, declaring Him to be all that the
Scriptures say He is John 15:26
2. The Holy Spirit still convicts of sin John 16:7-10; John 6:44
3. The Unpardonable Sin is simply rejecting the Spirits witness of the Son and
therefore, refusing to receive Him as Personal Savior 1 John 5:12; John 3:36. No
other sin can send you to Hell! Everything else was paid for at the Cross. But for you to
be saved, you must receive the witness of the Spirit and ask Jesus into your heart!!
(Ill. Psalm 19 tells us that the heavens themselves declare the
existence of God Psa. 19:1-3. But, you can reject that revelation for a while later
come to know Jesus. The Scriptures tell us that Jesus Christ is the "Son of God"
Mat. 16:16. Yet, you can reject that for a time and later come to know the Lord in
eternal salvation. You can deny all the evidence around you and refuse to believe and
still not commit the unpardonable sin. Yet, when the Holy Spirit of God deals with your
heart, and you see for yourself that the claims of the Scriptures are true. When the
Spirit shows you that Jesus really is God and is the only hope for sinners. That He really
did die and rise again and that you can be saved if you will only trust Him. When you say
no to the Spirit of God, then you have crossed that line!! You are guilty of committing
the Unpardonable Sin! That isnt to say that God wont give you 1, 2, 10 or even
dozens more chances, but it doesnt mean He will either! Saying "No" to the
pleading of the Spirit is a serious thing! Eventually, it will lead to Hell, unless the
sinner says, "Yes!" After all, Jesus is the only hope man has for salvation
Acts 4:12; John 14:6; Acts 16:31)
A. Ill. v. 32 This verse plainly says that to reject Jesus is to condemn oneself
to an eternity apart from God!
B. Somewhere, there is a deadline placed by the Lord past which no man can be saved.
Please do not go on in your sins until you cross that deadline and go out into eternity
lost having committed the Unpardonable Sin.
C. What are those deadlines that a man can cross that if he passes, he can never be
1. The Day Of Your Death Eccl. 11:3 That which is done in
death cannot be undone in eternity
2. The Rapture Of The Church 2 Thes. 2:11 If you say no to
Jesus now, you will not say yes then!
3. Sinning Away Your Day Of Grace (Ill. Gen. 6:3) (Ill.
"Quench not the Spirit." 1 Thes. 5:19.) The day may come when the sweet
Holy Spirit will never again testify of the saving power of Jesus. When He ceases to draw,
you cannot come to Jesus John 6:44. Ill. While He is knocking, why not just let Him
in? Rev. 3:20.
D. Is it your Lifestyle? Your Pride? Your Friends or Family? Is your sin really worth
going to Hell over? Please dont throw away the most valuable thing you have for what
amounts to less than nothing Mark 8:36-37.
E. Once this sin has been committed, a line has forever been crossed. Some here today
may be about to do this very thing! Dont let it be you!
Conc: Have you committed the Unpardonable Sin? Not if you are saved!
Not even if you are lost and still concerned about your soul. But I remind you my dear
friend, that this day may well be your last opportunity to come to Jesus for salvation. Is
He calling you? Is He tugging at your heart today? If He is, please do not send him away!
Come to Him and be forever saved. It all begins with a simple, small step of faith. Will
you make that step today? He will not turn you away John 6:37!