
No claims of absolute
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Intro: Ill. A small girl had been promised the privilege of climbing to
a nearby hilltop where her brother enjoyed playing. But when she came within sight of the
steep, rough path, she drew back in dismay. "Why, there isn't a smooth spot anywhere.
It's all bumpy and stony!" she exclaimed. "Yes," said her more experienced
older brother, "but how else would we ever climb to the top if it wasn't? The stones
and bumps are what we step on to get there." So too, God in His faithfulness allows
affliction, and He even puts in our path what some might consider to be stumbling blocks.
For the believer, however, obstacles can become steppingstones to the higher ground of
Christian victory and blessing.
Often our lives are like this hill climbed by this little girl. We
marvel at the bumps and stones we are forced to overcome in our journey. Yet, we fail to
realize that in everything we face, God has a plan and even as we struggle, we are just
heading up.
Ill. These Hebrews were having a tough time, v. 14. They were
undergoing intense persecution where many were tortured and some killed for their faith.
At the very least, they were ostracized in the community and couldnt buy and sell
like others in the towns. Their faith was a daily struggle and many felt like giving up.
Some were very tempted to give up the public profession of their faith. (Ill. They
wouldnt stop being saved because they possessed eternal life. However, they were
willing to stop proclaiming Jesus publicly so that they could enjoy an easier life.) While
we arent being persecuted to any great extent this evening, we are still tempted to
live outside absolute faith in the Lord Jesus. We are tempted to look to every other
source of help, rather than turning to the Lord. May I remind you that Jesus Christ is
still vastly superior to any other form of assistance? Gods plan is still that His
people live by faith, Rom. 14:23; Heb. 11:6; Hab. 2:4. It is easy to lose faith, but we
must avoid the temptation of falling into doubt.
Tonight, I want to take these few verses and show you why Jesus is
worthy of our faith. I want you to see that He can be trusted with anything you will ever
have need of in this life. After all, if we can trust Jesus to wash our sins away and give
us eternal life by faith, then surely we can trust Him with lifes smaller issues.
Lets look into these verses tonight and see just why Jesus Is Worthy Of Your Faith.
(Ill. This verse deals expressly with the idea of judgment. It reminds men that
God keeps a perfect record and will, one day, execute swift, accurate judgment, Rev.
20:11-15. However, the same attribute that allows God to see all the evil deeds of the
wicked, also permits him to observe the steps of His children.)
A. God Is Constantly Watching Your Path The eyes of the Lord miss
nothing Pro. 15:3 Ill. Matt. 10:29-30 (Ill. The Disciples in thestorm. They
were struggling, but Jesus saw it all Mark 6:48.)
1. He sees your Trials.
2. He sees your Temptations.
3. He sees your Tears, Psa. 56:8
B. God Is Continually Working Out Your Path (Ill. Psa. 37:23;
**Pro. 16:9**) Ill. Regardless of where life leads, be sure that God is still in control
of all that happens Rom. 8:28) (Ill. Joseph Gen. 50:20) (Ill. Ruth
Ruth 2:3) There is no such thing as coincidence in the life of the child of God. There is
only providence!
(Ill. Not everything God does is pleasant, but everything God does is
right! A small boy was playing with his sailboat at the edge of a lake. When the wind
pulled the sailboat away from the shoreline and out of his reach, he began to cry as he
saw it moving farther and farther away from him.
An older boy came to the scene and began throwing stones at the boat.
The smaller boy cried, 'Why are you throwing stones at my boat?' The older boy said, 'You
don't know what I'm doing. I'm throwing stones on the far side of the boat to create some
waves to bring the sailboat back to you. Trust me; I know what I'm doing.'
God knows what He is doing when He throws the stones in our lives. They
are meant to draw us closer to Him, not to drive us from Him. He is not cruel.
Ill. Almost everyone would rather have sunshine than showers. But just
imagine what our world would be like if it never rained again.
An example of such a place is in Northern Chile, a region between the
great Andes mountain range and the Pacific Ocean where rain never falls. Morning after
morning the sun rises brilliantly over the tall mountains to the east; each noon it shines
brightly down from overhead; evening brings a picturesque sunset. Although storms are
often seen raging high in the mountains, and heavy fog banks are observed far out over the
sea, the sun continues to shine on this favored and protected strip of land. One would
imagine this area to be an earthly paradise; but it is not. Instead, it is a sterile and
desolate desert! There are no streams of water, and nothing grows there. Too often we long
for total sunshine and joy in life. We have wished to be rid of burdensome
responsibilities. But, like this sunny, unfertile part of Chile, life without its burdens
and trials would not be creative, productive, or challenging. We need sunshine and
Ill. During the Second World War metallurgists tested the steel being
used to build tanks for American soldiers in the front lines. They had to be sure that the
metal was not too hard or too soft as it passed through the tempering furnaces. Tension
was applied to ascertain its breaking point. Checks were also taken to make certain that
the armor would be bulletproof. If any flaws showed up in the steel, it would undergo more
tempering. When it left the factory, it was fully prepared to withstand the stress
demanded of it.
So it is with God's children. To make us fit for His work and the
instruments of His praise, He puts us through the kiln of trial and places us in the
testing room of life. Pressures are constantly applied to sanctify us and to reveal the
weaknesses which only His grace can remedy.
Ill. A Christian man lost his home and mill when a flood washed them
away. He was brokenhearted and discouraged as he stood surveying his loss. Just then he
saw a glittering object that had been uncovered by the waters. It was gold! The disaster
he thought had made him a beggar had actually made him wealthy.
Ill. A couple was devastated when both of them lost their jobs and they
were left with a staggering mountain of debt. Just a they were coming to terms with this,
their septic tank collapsed and the entire back yard caved in. Not having the money needed
to hire the repairs done, the husband jumped into the task and decided to do it all by
have. As he was digging on day, he noticed something glistening in the dirt. He picked up
the object and found in to be a gold coin. Excited, he continued to dig and unearthed
several more of the valuable coins. He discovered their value to be around 1.5 million.
What he and his wife considered a tragedy, God used to get glory.)
C. God Is Confidently Waiting At The End Of Your Path Everything
God does in your life, or allows to happen your life, is simply His way of maturing you
into the image of His Son Jesus Eph. 4:13. Gods desire is that we decrease
that He might increase!
(Ill. The use of a "double negative" makes this a positive exclamation of the
Lords power.)
A. He Feels Our Pain (Ill. Stephen Acts 7:55-56) (Ill. Saul
He had persecuted many Christians, but Jesus felt their pain Acts 9:4) Just
as He felt the pain of those people, He feels your pain this evening. When you have a need
in your life, Heaven is moved to take care of it. Jesus knows what you feel and He loves
you. When you hurt, He hurts!
B. He Is Familiar With Our Problems Ill. Some may ask, "How
can Jesus know what I am going through? He is perfect and way off up in Heaven. How can He
possible feel what I feel?" He is able to know what humans feel because He has lived
life as a human and has experienced the same hardships that you face tonight.
1. He Understands Temptation Matt. 4:4-11 (Ill. The nature of His
temptations 1 John 2:16. Jesus was tempted in all the same areas where we are
tempted today.) (Ill. His temptations may have been more severe because of the fact that
He was sinless.
You see, Jesus was not only sinless, but He was, and is, incapable of sinning! He has a
hatred and repugnance for sin that few of us can imagine. Therefore, coming face to face
with sin was a horrible event for Jesus.) He can help you when you are tempted.
2. He Understands Rejection (Ill. John 6:66; Matt. 27:69-74) He
knows what it is like to have the world turn its back on you. In fact, He knows what it is
like to face something that no one in this room will ever experience, if you are saved. He
knows what it is like to have God turn His back to you Matt. 27:46. He endured
these things so that He might help you when you face a time of need in your own life.
3. He Understands Poverty And Need (Ill. Matt. 8:20; Ill. Tax
money Matt. 17:24-27.) Jesus knows what it is like when the ends wont meet no
matter how far you stretch them. He understands need and is able to offer help during
those tough times.
4. He Understands Grief (Ill. John 11:35; Luke 19:41) Jesus knows
exactly what it is like to lose someone you love. Therefore, He can help you when you face
those times of loss. Jesus understands human heartbreak.
5. He Understands Loneliness (Ill. Matt. 26:39; Matt. 27:46) He
knows what it is like to have no one around Him who understands what He is going through.
He knows what it means to hurt alone and He knows how to help you through those troubled
times of loneliness also.
A. A Petition The Lord gives man an open invitation to come unto
Himself for help to get through life. (Why is it that He who should be our first resort is
often our last? We are so guilty of trying everything else before we seriously seek help
from the Lord. We will try worry, pity, self-effort, etc, then when everything else fails
us, we will run to Jesus and look to Him for the help we could have received a long while
before.) Here is Gods plan for you in trouble Phil. 4:6-7; 1 Pet. 5:7.
B. His Power (Ill. "Throne" Those enthroned
during those days held absolute sway over the issues of life, and death. Earthly kings
possessed great power, but all their power combined is nothing next to the power of the
Lord Jesus Christ!) (Why? The power of any king is only as great as the power of the
kingdom behind him!) With that in mind, just what kind of power does Jesus have?
1. He Has Exceeding Power Eph. 320
2. He Has Need Meeting Power Phil. 4:19; (Ill. Deut. 29:5)
3. He Has Cleansing Power 1 John 1:7
4. He Has Healing Power Ill. Numerous times in the Gospels.
5. He Has Load Lifting Power Matt. 11:28
6. He Had Mountain Moving Power Matt. 21:21
7. He Has All Power Matt. 28:18His power is all summed up in one phrase
from Eph. 3:20, "He is able." (Ill. Times down through the ages when He has been
C. A Promise His promise to us is that when we come to Him by
faith, we will find all that we need to meet the need of our heart and life. He will give
us exactly what we need Luke 12:32; Psa. 23:1. (Ill. Matt. 7:7-11) (Ill. Paul
2 Cor. 12:9 It is still sufficient!)
Conc: Have you been tempted lately to "lose faith?" Does it
seem that the load you are called to bear just gets too heavy at times? Maybe Satan, or
foolish people have encouraged you to give up. Dont give up, come to Jesus! He is
ready, willing and able to give you all that you need to get you through whatever you are
faced with this evening. If you will trust Jesus with your problem, by faith, He will
never fail you! Is there something you need to bring to Jesus right now? If so, just come
and let Him have His way in your life. He is all you will ever need!