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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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Philippians 1:6 HE’S STILL WORKING ON ME Intro: Paul greets the Philippian believers with a prayer of
thanksgiving. He is thankful upon even
the slightest remembrance of them. These
people had proven to be a very special blessing to Paul and to the Gospel of
the Lord Jesus. Paul takes the time to
tell them this. Then,
in verse 6, Paul shares with them
the good news that God is still working on them. Isn’t it good to know that God isn’t finished
with us yet? There
is an old children’s song that speaks to this truth. It goes something like this: CHORUS: He's still workin' on me, To make me what I ought to be. It took Him just a week to make the
moon and the stars, The sun and the earth and Jupiter
and Mars. How loving and patient He must be, He's still workin' on me! VERSE 1: There really ought to be a sign upon
my heart, "Don't judge me yet, there's an
unfinished part." But I'll be perfect, just according
to His plan, Fashioned by the Master's loving
hand.[1] You
see, none of us has arrived yet. We are
all still works in progress. I am glad today
that I am not what I used to be and that I am not what will be when He gets
through with me some day. As we travel
toward eternity, we are mere clay in the hand of the Heavenly Potter. He is working on us now, and He has great
plans for us in eternity. I would like
to take this verse and point out the great truths that are examined here. I want to try to preach for a few minutes on
this thought: He’s Still Working On Me!
If you are saved, I want you to see that you have several reasons for
rejoicing in your relationship with your Lord.
And, if you are not saved, I want you to know that you can be, if you
will come to Jesus by faith. So, let’s
take a few minutes and look into this verse as we think on the thought: He’s
Still Working On Me. A.
Our Confidence Is Profound
– Paul uses a strong word to describe the hope he has in Jesus. The word “confidence” means “to
persuade, to convince beyond all doubt.” What Paul is saying in this verse is that he
has been “persuaded beyond all doubt that he is eternally saved.” Paul is exalting the fact that the saints can
have absolute assurance that they are saved and that they will go to Heaven! Paul
was not alone in that belief. The Bible
literally overflows with verses that tell us we can know for sure that we are
saved, and how we can know that. Look at a few with me: ·
can know that you are saved - 1 John
5:13. ·
you can know that you are saved: v When you have believed in Jesus – 1 John 5:1; 4:15 (Acts 16:31) v When you have turned your back on
the old life of sin – 1 John 5:2-5;
1:6-7; 2:15-16; 3:4-10 (2 Cor. 5:17) v When you have a desire to keep His
commandments – 1 John 2:3-6; 2:17; 3:24
(John 14:15) v When you genuinely love the brethren
– 1 John 3:10-23; 4:7-8; 4:20-21 (John 13:35) v When you have the inner witness of
the Holy Spirit – 1 John 4:13 (Romans 8:9, 15) So,
the ability to know that you are saved is not some fond, foolish wish. It is a biblical truth. It is something that you can know for
sure. That is a very profound
thing! Do you know for sure that you are
saved by the grace of God? B.
Our Confidence Is Personal
– Paul uses the word “you.” This assurance that he speaks of is very
personal in nature. You need to know and
you need to know based on the evidence.
You need to know based on the Word of God, not the word of another. You see, saying “My mother told me I was saved…”
is not good enough! You need to know,
you need to know for yourself, and you need to know beyond any shadow of doubt,
2 Pet. 1:10; 2 Cor. 13:5. Do you know for sure? C.
Our Confidence Is Powerful
– There is nothing more liberating and freeing to the spirit than knowing for
sure that you have been saved. Some
people will tell you that you cannot know for sure. They are dead wrong! Those who do not know live in constant fear,
doubt and worry. They are always riding
the altar trying to get the matter settled, and they should get it
settled. But, what a blessing from the
Lord it is to be able to say with confidence, “I know that I am saved!” ( II.
Consider His Investment
– With the words “hath begun,” Paul covers a lot of spiritual territory. We all know what God did for us the day He
saved us. But, what we fail to consider
is the fact that our salvation began long before we realized it. Think about this: ·
loved us before we ever existed – Jer.
31:3 ·
chose us in Christ before the world was formed – Eph. 1:5-6 ·
prepared a Savior for us before the world was formed – Rev. 13:8; 1 Pet. 1:18-20 ·
finished our salvation before we were born – ·
drew us to Himself and gave us faith to believe in Jesus by faith – John 6:37-44; Eph. 2:8-9 ·
saved us eternally when we called on Jesus by faith – Rom. 10:9, 13 In other words, the Lord has made a
substantial investment in our salvation.
I cannot see Him walking out on us now, or ever! God did not do what He
did in vain! He did it in order to save
our souls. B.
Consider His Involvement
– We are told that the same God Who began this “good work” “will perform it.” This phrase means “to bring to an end; to complete;
to accomplish entirely; to furnish completely.” God will continue the work He has begun in
you and me until the day we perfected, completed and home with Him. God
did not save a single saint to lose them along the way home. He saved us by His grace and He saved us for
all time and eternity. We have His
precious promises to form the basis for that wonderful guarantee – 1 Pet. 1:5; John 6:37-40; John 10:28; John
3:16; John 6:47. Many more could be
named, but these are sufficient. You
see, it was not our works that saved us, and it is not our works which keep
us! We are saved by grace; kept by grace
and secured by grace. This thing is about
grace from beginning to end! C.
Consider His Intentions
– The word “until” tells us that God is doing what He is doing in us with
some end in mind. We are headed
somewhere. In other words, God had some
intention in saving us and if we can understand that; then we can understand
why we can have the blessed assurance that we are secure in our salvation. Here is why He saved you: Rom. 8:28-39; Eph. 1:3-6; Eph. 4:13. God saved us to make us like Jesus, and He
will keep working on you and me until that level of perfection has been
achieved! He did not start this in us to
fail. He started it to finish it, and He
will some wonderful day! (Note: I am glad that He has a plan! If this thing were up to me, I would have
messed it up and lost it a long time ago.
But, my salvation belongs to Him.
He started it; He maintains it and He will finish it for His glory. I cannot mess it up!
Now, please don’t misunderstand me.
Many folks hear this and they say, “That’s what’s wrong with you Baptists! You believe in that once saved, always saved
business; and you think you can live anyway you please and it will
be all right.” Well,
I believe that I am eternally saved and as sure for Heaven as if I
were already there. But, I do not think eternal security is a license
to sin. I think it is a strong
motive to love Him more and to live like He would have me to live. Salvation is unconditional, but nothing says
love Jesus” any more than someone who obeys the Lord’s commandments!) III. THE
There Will Be a Day Of
Termination – There is comfort in knowing that this earthly life will
not last forever. There is coming a day
when the saints of God will leave this world with all its hardships and sorrows
There are two ways this could happen.
One is through the rapture, 1
Thes. 4:16-18; 1 Cor. 15:51-52.
The other way is through death.
But, we should not fear death, because Jesus has already conquered
death for us through His Own death and resurrection, 1
Cor. 15:55-57; Rev. 1:18; John 11:25-26.
What the child of God calls death is merely a doorway into
the presence of God, 2 Cor. 5:1, 8. Regardless of how you leave this world; if you
are saved, you are a winner either way! What a comforting truth! B.
There Will Be A Day Of
Transformation – When we leave this world behind, we will enter into
Heaven and there, we will be changed!
This vile flesh, with all its appetites and affections will be left
behind forever, and we will be changed into His image. What a day that will be when we receive a
perfect, glorified body in His presence, 1
Cor. 15:49-54; 1 John 3:1-2! Here is
another comforting truth! C.
There Will Be A Day Of
Translation – Not only will we be like Him, but we will also be with
Him, 1 Thes. 4:17. To be with Jesus,
in His presence, in His Heaven will be glory beyond compare, John 14:1-3; Rev. 21:4. Thank God, when this life is over, there is a
far better life waiting on all those who know Jesus. That, my friends, is a comforting truth! Conc: Thank God, He is still working on us!
And, He will continue to work until every single one of His children is
at home with Him in His heaven. Someday, God will finish His work in us. I have never been satisfied with the me I
know down here, but I will be satisfied with the me that I will be when I
arrive there, Psa. 17:15! It will be hard to improve upon perfection! Child
of God, don’t despair today! God is
working and will continue to work in your life. He will not lose you. He will not leave you, Heb. 13:5. He will keep you
and bring you safely home one day! Maybe you would like to bow before Him and
renew your commitment to serve Him and love Him for every thing that He has
done, and is doing, in your life. Some
may be harboring doubts about your salvation.
Maybe you wonder if what you think you have is real. The best way to get it settled forever is to
bow before the Lord, confess your doubts and claim afresh the promises made in
the Bible regarding salvation. You do
not have to leave this building with fear and doubt in your heart! Of
course, there are some people here who know that you have not been saved. I just want to tell you that you do not have
to live another minute without Jesus. If
He is calling you to come to Him and you have that desire to be saved; you can
come to Him right now, call on Jesus by faith and He will hear you and He will
save your soul. Is that what you want
and need? If so, please come to Jesus
today! |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |