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A Biblical View Of The End Times #6
Revelation 19:11-21
The King Is Coming
Intro: For about 6,000 years, the human drama has
been unfolding. Since the day man sinned in the
Garden of Eden, the whole of history has been moving
toward one tremendous event. That event is the day
when Jesus Christ returns to this world in power and
glory to reign on the throne of David, Isa. 9:7; Luke
When Jesus was here on the earth, He made many promises to His followers,
but perhaps none is so great as His promise that He will indeed return to this
earth one day, Matt. 24:27-30. In fact, the last recorded words
of the Lord Jesus in the Bible are these, "Surely
I come quickly.", Rev. 22:20!
The fact of the matter is, Jesus is coming again! We
have already seen that He will return in the Rapture to
claim His people and take them to Heaven, John 14:1-3; 1 Cor. 15:51-52; 1 Thes. 4:13-17. However, just as
every coin in your pocket has two parts, so does the
return of Jesus. The first part is when He returns in the
clouds to receive His bride and the second part is when
He returns in glory to defeat His enemies and to reign
upon the earth. It is this event that we want to focus on
this morning.
Many famous men have left us their legacy in their
words. For instance, Nixon said, "I am not a crook."
But, he was! Bush said, "Read my lips, no new
taxes!" But, there were! Clinton said, "I didn't have
sexual relations with that women." But, he did! The
point? Most men's words are just that: Words!
However, the words of Christ are truth! Everything He
has ever said is true. And, when He tells us that He is
coming again, you had better believe it!
I want you to know this morning that The King Is
Coming! He is returning to this earth some glorious
day to reign in peace and glory upon this earth. You
need to be sure that you are ready to meet Him when
He comes the first time so that you can come back with
Him when He returns the second time! Let's spend
some time together in these verse as we think on the
thought: The King Is Coming!
(Ill. When the rapture takes place, it will be so sudden
and so swift that people will not even know what has
taken place. Like a thief in the night, Jesus will come
and steal away His jewels from the earth and will take
them to Heaven. The rapture will not be a visible event.
However, when Jesus returns the second time in glory
and power, everyone, everywhere will know about it,
Rev. 1:7. Look at what these first verse tell us about
this visible event.)
A. V. 11-13, 16 The Appearance Of Jesus
(Ill. These precious verses tell us something of what
Jesus will look like when He returns to the earth the
second time. Notice what the Bible says about The
Appearance Of Jesus.)
1. V. 11-12 His Nature - From this description, it
is clear to see that Jesus is a little different
than He was the first time He came!
A. V. 12 He Is Full Of Glory - This verse tells
us that Jesus Christ wears on His head
many crowns. These are not crowns like
the Anti-Christ wore! In Rev. 6:2, we are
told that he was "given" "a" crown. The
word used there refers to a victors crown,
a "stephanos". Very literally, it has
reference to the olive leaf crowns that
were given to the victors in the Greek
Olympic games.
On the other hand, Jesus wear many
crowns. This word is "diadems" and
refers to the crowns of royalty. While Anti-Christ had to be given a crown, Jesus
already wears them!
(Ill. Jesus is already King of Kings whether
men acknowledge that fact or not! People
can pretend that Jesus isn't Lord, but one
day, His sovereignty will be revealed with
great power and glory!)
This verse also says that "His eyes
were as a flame of fire." This speaks of
His holiness! When He returns the second
time, He come not as a meek and lowly
Lamb, but He returns as the Lion of the
tribe of Judah. He returns not in humility,
but in power, authority and glory!
(Ill. What a difference there is between the
Jesus of the first advent and the Jesus of
the second advent. The first time, He
came as a servant, Phil. 2:5-8. The first
time, He came, He was despised and
rejected of men. He was a man of
sorrows. He appeared to be nothing more
than one more man among millions of
other men, Isa. 53:2-3. The first time He
came, no one but a handful of common
people even took note of Him. The first
time He came, those who hated Him
without a cause saw to it that He was put
to death!
However, things are different this time
around! Now, He doesn't appear as a
servant, but as a King! Now He hasn't
some to suffer, but to render judgment.
Now, He has not come to die, but He has
come to visit death upon all those who
have defied Him and despised Him! He
has returned in power and glory!)
(Ill. What a glorious Savior we serve this
morning! God help us to see His as He is
and worship Him accordingly! By the way,
there are some in this room who need to
receive Jesus as their Savior! You have
the choice today to meet Him as Savior.
There is coming a day when you will be
forced to acknowledge Him as King.
Today is a day of mercy, that will be a day
of wrath! Which do you want?)
B. V. 11 He Is Faithful And True - I am sure
for many that it looked like Jesus would
never return, but He is Faithful and True!
He can be depended on to keep His Word
forever! What He says He will do, He will
(Ill. That Anti-Christ, like all other world
leaders rose to power riding the back of
lies and false statements. However, when
Jesus appears, there are no attempts to
prove that He is Who He claims to be. He
shows up as a King and the world now
knows it is true!)
(Ill. Just a word to the saints: Friend's
always remember that you can trust Jesus!
He will always Keep His Word. If He has
made you a promise, claim it with the
knowledge that He will surely bring it to
pass! Just keep trusting Him, He is
Faithful and True!)
C. V. 11 He Fights In Righteousness - All
down through history, there have been
wars. Many have been fought for foolish
reasons. In fact, all wars boil down to one
thing: sin! They all come from the fact that
men want to be God. They try to place
themselves in a position where they will be
in total charge of the world. When they do
this, other men stand up and say, "No, you
will not reign over us!" And, a war is the
(Ill. Jesus, on the other hand, wages
righteous war! His cause is a just cause!
He fights the battle of the Lord! We may
like to think of Jesus as a Man of peace,
and He is the Prince of Peace! However,
the Bible also makes it clear that He is a
Man of War, Ex. 15:3! Certainly, God will
pursue peace, but if man will not repent,
there will come a day when that man must
do battle with the Lord. He will not allow
unrighteousness and sin to go
unchallenged! He will make war with the
enemies of God!)
2. V. 12-13, 16 His Names - When the Lord
Jesus returns, three new names are attached
to Him. These names reveal much about His
character and Person.
A. V. 12 The Name Of Mystery - The Bible
tells us that Jesus has a name written on
Him that no man can know. It seems that
refused to know the Name of Jesus except
as a by-word, now they cannot know Him
at all!
(Friend, the time to know Jesus is now!
He is revealing Himself to men as the
Savior of the sinner's soul. However,
there is coming a day when men will not
be able to know Him as Savior, but only as
Judge! I beg you to call on the name of
Jesus while He is still saving souls. Do not
wait until He returns in judgment. In that
day you will not even be able to know His
B. V. 13 The Name Of Ministry - He is also
called the Word of God. This is the name
of His ministry. Ever since He stepped
onto the scene, Jesus has ministered
through His Word. In Genesis 1, He
merely spoke and this vast universe and
all it contains came into being. When He
walked in this world, He made the Word of
God live in the eyes of men, John 1:1; 14.
When He returns in power and glory, He
will speak the word and all His enemies
will be slain before Him in that day!
(Ill. My I say to you that Jesus is
ministering right now through His Word! It
is the Word of God that reveals our sins.
It is the Word of God that points us to a
redeeming Savior. It is the Word of God
that tells us how to live! Today, that Word
can be such a blessing in your life!
However, if you refuse to receive the Word
of God and come to Jesus for salvation.
One day, you will face the Word of God in
judgment. In that day, it will contain no
words of mercy for you, but only
damnation and judgment. Today is the
only time you really have to get ready to
meet the Lord, 2 Cor. 6:2.)
C. V. 16 The Name of Majesty - This verse tells us that when
Jesus returns, He will have a name embroided on the thigh of His garment.
This name is a title that He has always deserved, but has one which has
never been acknowledged by men. In fact, while He was here on earth, His
own people refused to acknowledge Him as King, John 19:15.
Pilate, the Roman Governor, placed a cruel mocking title over His head
as He hung on the cross, Matt. 27:37
which read, "THIS
My friends, Jesus is far more than just the king of the Jews, Jesus is
the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords! One day, He will return in power
and the world will be forced to admit that which they have always denied:
that Jesus is indeed King! What a day that will be!
(Ill. My friends, have you made that
admission yet? Have you bowed before
Jesus as the King of Kings and as the
Lord of Lords? Have you received Him
into your heart? I keep coming back to
this, because it is so important! What you
do about Jesus will determine what He
does with you! You need to be ready, for
the King in Coming!)
B. V. 14 The Armies Of Jesus - Every king has an
army and the Lord Jesus is no exception. He has
an army that large and of a special nature.
Notice how His army is dressed. They are
wearing "fine linen, white and clean". There is no
armor and no mention of them having weapons.
Isn't this a strange way of sending soldiers into
battle? Well, it would be if it were any other army!
But, this is the army of Heaven and the King,
Jesus Christ, does all the fighting Himself!
(Ill. Who is in this army? Well, the attire gives us
a little clue. Look at verse 14 and then look at
verse 8. It would appear from the apparel that
this army is the Bride of Christ. In other words, it
is made up of you and me. We will be riding in
that army when the Lord Jesus returns to claim
victory over His enemies. If you don't know how
to ride a horse, don't worry, you'll know then!)
C. V. 15 The Armaments Of Jesus - When Jesus
returns to fight this battle, He doesn't bring guns,
tanks, artillery, or nuclear weapons. He merely
brings His Word! Remember that His Word is
"sharper than any two-edged word.", Heb.
4:12. It has the power to help men and it has the
power to judge men. Instead of needing vast
arsenals of weaponry, all Jesus needs is a Word
and His enemies are forever defeated! Notice the
words of Isaiah 11:4, "But with righteousness
shall he judge the poor, and reprove with
equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall
smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and
with the breath of his lips shall he slay the
(Ill. It is mentioned here that Jesus will "rule" with
a rod of iron. The word "rule" means to shepherd.
After His enemies are defeated, the Lord Jesus
will establish His Kingdom and He will lead the
peoples of the earth like a shepherd leads his
flock. He will, in that day, lead them beside all
the still waters and He will cause them to lie down
in the green pastures. He will be a shepherd to
all men!)
(Ill. It is also mentioned that Jesus will tread the
winepress of the fierce wrath of God. What a
picture this is! Like a man crushing grapes under
his feet to force them to release their juices, so
the Lord Jesus will crush this world under His feet
and He will crush all the life out of every opponent
of righteousness and God. It will be a terrible
(Ill. Are you ready for His coming? Are you
I. His Coming Will Be Visible
A. V. 17 The Fowls Are To Be Called - The
slaughter will be so great when the Lord does
battle, that God calls for the fowls of the air to
come and help dispose of the bodies of the slain.
Revelation 14:20 tells us that the blood will be to
the horse's bridle! What a slaughter that will be!
B. V. 18 The Flesh Is To Be Consumed - Notice
that all levels of the army of God's enemies are
on the menu for this great supper. In life, they
were separated by class and by rank. Here we
see slave and freeman; small and great. All are
reduced to nothing more than food for the
scavengers in that day!
(Ill. What a lesson! In life they were different.
Some gave orders, others carried them out, but in
death they are all equal! Friends, death is the
great leveler! No matter who you are, when
death comes for you, everything you had and
everything you were will be no more! Your
money, your position, your power, your intellect,
your everything will be gone! If you leave this
world without having trusted Jesus as your
Savior, then you have nothing but Hell to look
forward to! Some think they will make it because
of this reason or the other, but the truth is, none
will make it without Jesus. When you leave this
world, you had better know Christ! If you don't
you will go to Hell!)
I. His Coming Will Be Visible
II. His Coming Will Be Violent
A. V. 19 Earth's Armies Will Be Drawn To
Armageddon - All the armies of the world, armies
that are enemies today, will join together to fight
against the Lord Jesus when He returns. Armies
that were fighting with one another just before
Jesus comes back will join forces in a effort to
defeat the Lord and His army. But, this is meant
to be! God will raw them here to His killing field
so that He might execute His wrath upon all the
enemies of the Lord! Their desire shall be to put
an end to the Lord and all He represents. They
will fail miserably!
B. V. 20-21 Earth's Armies Will Be Destroyed At
Armageddon - the two verses tell us the amazing
news of how this battle turns out.
1. V. 20 The Devilish Duo Are Destroyed -
Throughout the Tribulation Period, the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet had lead people
to believe that they were superhuman. They
had used deception to convince the word that
the Anti-Christ was, in fact, God. Their plan
was so convincing that the world bowed down
in reverence to the beast.
However, when the Lord returns, it quickly
becomes apparent that these men, despite all
their bluster and their miracles, were nothing
more than men. These men are taken and
they receive a fate worse than death. They
are cast alive into the Lake of Fire! They are
sent directly into Hell. Jesus will claim
absolute victory over these men.
2. V. 21 The Doomed Multitudes Are
Destroyed - With the image of the great
leaders being taken alive and cast into Hell
still burning before their eyes, the Lord Jesus
will speak the Word and all these armies will
be destroyed in an instant of time! Their
blood will saturate the cloths of the Lord
Jesus, verse 13, and the fowls of the air will
devour their rotting flesh. Without firing a
single shot, Jesus will prove Himself greater
than every opposing army and greater than all
the military might men can muster against
Him. What a horrible day that will be for all
the enemies of the Lord! But, what a glorious
day it will be for those who love Him, look for
Him and for those special ones who ride with
Conc: When these things are read, they sound almost
too fantastic to be true. However, everything I have
preached this morning will come to pass one of these
While this will happen, this is not an event that you
should have to worry about! If you are saved, you will
witness the victory of the Lord from the air. As we ride
behind Him, we will see our beloved Bridegroom
dispatch all our enemies in an instant of time! That will
be a glorious sight.
On the other hand, if you are not saved, you may
very well be in that crowd of soldiers that is defeated
instantly. Which would you rather have this morning?
The peace of heart that comes with being saved, or the
doubt and fear that comes with being lost? Where
would you rather serve? With a victorious, glorious
army, or with an army that is defeated before it is even
formed? (Ill. It is already done!)
My friends, you can be saved today if you will come
to Jesus and accept Him into your heart and life. Will
you do that this morning? Will you be ready when the
King comes?