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Elijah: The Prophet Of Courage and Confrontation
Sermon #4
1 Kings 17:17-24
Intro: Elijah is a recent graduate from Dry Brook
University. There he learned to depend upon the Lord
for all his provisions and not upon himself. It was there,
by the brook Cherith, in the wilderness, that Elijah had
his flesh broken. As soon as that trial of faith was past,
Elijah finds himself enrolled in Empty Barrel Graduate
School. While there, he has his pride broken as he
must trust the Lord to provide for a widow, who in turn
provides for the prophet. It seems that Elijah's life is
marked by one trial after another. Someone who did
not know any better might start to think that Elijah is
being punished for something.
Of course, the Bible teaches us a different truth.
God isn't correcting His prophet, He is perfecting Him.
God is teaching Elijah lessons that can be learned in no
other fashion than through trial and difficulty. You see,
it is in the storms of life that we learn God can walk on
the waves. It is in the valleys of life that we learn that
He is the Lily of the Valleys. Sometimes we must go
through the fires of life to find out that He will go with us
every step of the way. These are the things Elijah is
learning and they will serve him well in the very near
future. God is preparing Elijah to stand for Him in very
powerful way.
In our text today, the prophet faces another difficult
trial of faith. In a sense, Elijah is getting some on the
job training from the Lord. Let's look into on this
poignant scene of tragedy and triumph and learn, along
with Elijah, the valuable lessons that are learn during
On The Job Training.
A. A Dead Person - This boy who had been so
miraculously fed by divine providence is
suddenly cut off and dies. It must have seemed
like a great contradiction to the widow and to the
(Ill. I will remind you this morning that God's way
do not always make sense from a human
perspective, Isa. 55:8-9. Yet, even when the
Lord's ways don't make sense, you can trust
Him. When He does what we think is
contradictory and unusual, it is merely to open
the door for Him to reveal Himself in a new and
powerful way. Therefore, regardless of the
problem or the trial, simply learn to walk with
your eyes on the Lord. Trust Him and He will
take care of every situation, Psa. 37:5.)
B. A Distraught Parent - Evidently, this is the only
son this poor widow woman had. Certainly she
had pinned all of her hopes for the future on him.
No doubt she was looking to the day when he
would arrive at manhood and would provide for
her upkeep. She probably expected to be with
her son for many years to come. However, now
her dreams are shattered and she is devastated
and grief stricken. Her heart is broken and her
world is shattered. You see, she knew the
drought was coming, v. 9, but she did not know
death was coming, v. 17. She was prepared for
one, the other caught her totally off guard! She
is placing blame every where. She blames Elijah
for bringing the judgment of God into her home.
She is even blaming her past sins for the trouble
she is having.
(Ill. Friend, have you ever been at that place in
your life? Have you ever watched everything
you worked for, everything you loved, everything
you lived for crumble around you? Do you
remember how that felt? That is a difficult place
to be! Yet, there are times when the Lord will
allow His children to pass through those kinds of
fires. (Ill. Job - Job 1 - 2; Abraham - Gen. 22;
Joseph - Gen. 37-50; Paul - 2 Cor. 12:7-11; The
Disciples - Mark 6:45-53. Do you get the idea?)
Why? He does it so that we might learn to trust
Him and not external resources. He does it so
that we might learn to rely on Him more
perfectly. He does it so that we might
experience His grace in a new, fresh manner.
He does it so that we might be brought to a place
of utter dependence! When the Lord has
brought you low, learn early to look to Him. It will
help lift you out of your situation for faster.
Illustration: You can catch a wild buzzard and
put him in an open pen that's, let's say, 6 x 6,
and he will die there. He cannot file away.
Why? A buzzard needs at least a 12 foot
runway to take off! Take a bat, place him on the
ground and he will flop around there until he
dies. Why? He can only achieve flight from an
elevated position. He must launch out into the
air. Take a bumblebee and put him in a tumbler,
leave the top open and that bee will never find
his way out. He is so interested in trying to fly
through the glass in front of him, he will never
think to look up and find the way out. What is
the point? All three of these, the buzzard, the
bee and the bat all fail to notice the freedom that
is right above them. As a result, they remain
trapped in their prison.
You see, the widow thought she was passing
through a storm of correction. She thought
God was hurting her. What she failed to se was
that she was in a storm of perfection. God
was, in fact, helping her! We're that way too,
aren't we? We miss the help God is trying to
give us while we focus on the hurt we feel in our
hearts. The answer to life's storms is found in
looking up to Jesus early and always.)
C. A Discouraged Prophet - What an effect this
must have had on Elijah! I mean, he has trusted
God to feed him with ravens. He has trusted
God to give him water from a brook. When the
brook dried up, Elijah had followed God's call to
Zarephath. There he had submitted to the
humiliating thought of being fed by a widow. He
had trusted God and miracles had resulted. He
had seen God do the impossible. He had even
watched as God worked in the heart of a pagan
widow woman and brought her to the place of
faith. He had watched the Lord feed her and her
family through a time of terrible drought. Now,
this woman's son is dead and she points her
finger of accusation at him. It must have been a
very discouraging day for the man of God!
(Ill. Folks, we are never more vulnerable to the
attacks of the flesh and the devil as we are when
we are discouraged. When we have tried to
cross all out T's and dot all our I's and things still
fall to pieces, it is easy to get defeated and
discouraged. When that happens, we begin to
wonder why. We begin to question God. We
begin to lose faith and hope and we become
discouraged. When that happens, we are easily
defeated. Now, I don't know what kind of valley
you are trudging through this morning, but I know
the God of the valleys. When we start to
become disillusioned and discouraged, we need
to run to Him and find the help we need. If we
do not, then we will be just another casualty on
the battlefield of faith. Discouragement is a
tremendous tool in the hand of the devil!
(Illustration:. W. A. Criswell was perhaps the
best-known pastor in the world during his long
tenure at the First Baptist Church of Dallas,
Texas. His sermons, personal efforts, and
multiplied books have been the means of
winning untold numbers to Christ.
But in Criswell's biography, author Billy Keith
tells an interesting story about the man who led
Criswell to the Lord. It was when W. A. was ten
years old, and Rev. John Hicks came to his
small Texas town to conduct a revival meeting.
Hicks stayed in the Criswell home during his two
week campaign. Young W. A. was greatly taken
with John Hicks, and one day he asked
permission to leave school to attend the ten
o'clock services at the church. Entering the
chapel, he sat directly behind his mother and
drank in every word that Hicks spoke. When
Hicks gave the invitation, the lad went forward
and, with tears, took Jesus Christ as his Savior.
Years later, when Criswell was a
world-renowned pastor, he recounted his
conversion to a friend of his, Wallace Basset.
"Would you repeat that, W. A.?" Basset
He repeated the story.
"I just can't imagine that," Basset said.
"Johnny Hicks was a dear friend of mine, and he
was here in Baylor Hospital in his last illness of
which he died. I went often to see Johnny, and
one day as I sat beside him, he said, 'Wallace,
my life is over, my preaching days are done, and
I've never done anything for Jesus. I've failed,
Wallace, I've failed.' "
Those were the last words the old preacher
ever spoke. He didn't realize how successful he
had been in that one conversion.
The lesson? Never discount what the Lord is
doing in you, through you, to you and around
you. He has a plan, and if you are a part of that
plan, all will be well in the end! Therefore, fight
discouragement as if you were fighting for your
life, for in a sense you are!)
I. Elijah's Test
(Ill. Up until this point, Elijah hasn't had to do much.
He moved when God said move. He stayed when
God said stay. He ate when God provided. All
Elijah has done is basically watch God do the
impossible time and time again. However, he is
placed in a position where he must get personally
involved in what the Lord is doing. He is brought to
a place where he must trust God for that which has
never happened before!)
A. V. 19 Elijah's Calmness - Even though he is
confronting death and baseless accusation,
Elijah is the picture of calmness. He doesn't get
upset and attack back. He doesn't lash out at
the widow. He doesn't even defend himself. He
merely asks for the widow to give her son to him.
Then he takes the boy to his room and places
him on his bed.
(Ill. What a lesson this is for you and me! How
often do the storms of life begin to blow in on us
and we react to them very badly? Something
unexpected will happen and instead of taking it
into the presence of the Lord like Elijah did, we
take it to ourselves and we fall apart. We worry.
We fret. We wonder why. Someone attacks us
and instead of taking it to the Lord, we get upset
and attack back. God help us to learn the lesson
that in the midst of trials and trouble, we can do
not better than to bring them to the Lord and
leave them with Him. We cannot handle them,
but He already has, Phil. 4:6-7; Matt. 6:25-34.
May the Lord help us to remember that He has
not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love
and of a sound mind, 2 Tim. 1:7. Let us learn to
calmly take our burdens to the Lord. He never
gets excited, why should we? He never loses
sleep, why should we? By the way, when the
widow gives the prophet her son, she is giving
tangible evidence of her faith in God to do the
B. V. 20-21 Elijah's Compassion - Elijah's heart
has been touched by the pain this widow is
experiencing. He has watched her grow in her
faith. He has experienced her generosity. He
has enjoyed her hospitality, and his heart is
moved at her need. His compassion for this
widow and her son is seen in three ways.)
1. V. 20 Seen In His Prayer - He petitions the
Lord on behalf of the widow. In doing so, the
prophets reveals the heart of one who knows
God and cares for others. In fact, he is seen
actually fulfilling the law of Christ, Gal. 6:2.
He is bearing the widow's burden in the
presence of God.
2. V. 21 Seen In His Position - He humbled
himself and stretched his own body on top of
the body of this dead child. Elijah knew that
Law and he must have known that touching
a dead body would defile him, Num. 19:10.
The point here is that Elijah was willing to
humiliate and humble himself to reach out to
another. He was willing to suffer lose that
they might gain. That is the heart of ministry!
Elijah has learned to feel the need of others.
That is the essence of Christlike service.
3. V. 21 Seen In His Petition - In this verse,
Elijah asks God to do something that had
never been done before! There is absolutely
no record of any dead person ever being
brought back to life before this day. This is
an amazing prayer that Elijah prays! Elijah
places everything on the line for the glory of
God and for the need of this one woman. He
trusts God for the unseen. His heart is
moved for her and he trusts the Lord to do
something about!
(Illustration: For us, we must remember that
during this time, Elijah's world has been
turned upside down. However, he seems to
be taking no thought for himself. He seems
to be occupied with the need of this poor
widow woman. I just want to remind you that
one of the surest and quickest ways for you
to get your need met is to stop worrying
about your needs, and find someone who
has a need or a burden and get under that
burden with them. As we do that, we are
committing our way unto the Lord and we are
saying, "Father, I trust you to take care of
me, now use me to help this other
person." That kind of faith honors God and
He will bless the life that is moved for others,
Phil. 2:4.)
C. V. 22-23 Elijah's Conquest - These verses tell
us the triumphant news that Elijah received the
object of his faith. He watched as God did the
impossible before his eyes.
1. V. 22 Elijah Prevailing In Prayer - God
honored the faith of the prophet and raised
the child to life again. Why? Because Elijah
trusted God by faith!
(Illustration: Friend, a faith that honors God
is a faith that is honored by God! "And all
things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer,
believing, ye shall receive.", Matt. 21:22;
"And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name,
that will I do, that the Father may be
glorified in the Son.", John 14:13; "Verily,
verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall
ask the Father in my name, he will give it
you. Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my
name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your
joy may be full.", John 16:23-24; "And this
is the confidence that we have in him,
that, if we ask any thing according to his
will, he heareth us: And if we know that he
hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that
we have the petitions that we desired of
him.", 1 John 5:14-15. Those are great and
precious promises from the word of God.
However, we hear them and say, "That'll
never work for me!" And you are absolutely
correct! Why? Well, it isn't because God
can't answer your prayers, it's because He
won't answer the prayer of unbelief! Note
what James said about it, "But let him ask in
faith, nothing wavering. For he that
wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven
with the wind and tossed. For let not that
man think that he shall receive any thing
of the Lord. A double minded man is
unstable in all his ways.", James 1:6-8.
God will not honor a lack of faith. If was want
to see prayers answered like God answered
Elijah, then let us learn the secret of
prevailing prayer. It is simply stated in
James 5:16, "he effectual fervent prayer of
a righteous man availeth much.")
(Illustration: The story is told of a small
town in which there were no liquor stores.
Eventually, however, a nightclub was built
right on Main Street. Members of one of the
churches in the area were so disturbed that
they conducted several all-night prayer
meetings, and asked the Lord to burn down
that den of iniquity. Lightning struck the
tavern a short time later, and it was
completely destroyed by fire. The owner,
knowing how the church people had prayed,
sued them for the damages. His attorney
claimed that their prayers had caused the
loss. The congregation, on the other hand,
hired a lawyer and fought the charges. After
much deliberation the judge declared, "It's
the opinion of this court that wherever the
guilt may lie, the tavern keeper is the one
who really believes in prayer while the church
members do not!")
2. V. 23 Elijah Presenting The Proof - When
Elijah carried that child up those steps, all
he had in his arms was a dead body. When
he came back down, he had a living miracle.
Imagine the joy that must have filled that
house when God worked this miracle for
Elijah and the widow. What a glad day that
must have been, when God eliminated the
problem by His power!
(Illustration: Remember, we are talking
about the power of faith in God to work in
times of struggle! It was faith that moved
this impossible mountain and it is faith that
will move the mountain you are facing this
morning as well, "And Jesus said unto
them, Because of your unbelief: for verily
I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain
of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this
mountain, Remove hence to yonder
place; and it shall remove; and nothing
shall be impossible unto you.", Matt.
17:20! My friends, you can count on the
Lord to look after you! Illustration: Years
ago the captain of a large vessel set sail
with his family from Liverpool. His
destination was New York. One night when
everyone was asleep, a sudden squall
arose. The wind came sweeping over the
water, struck the vessel and almost
capsized it. Everything movable was sent
tumbling and crashing, and the passengers
became aware that they were in imminent
peril. Everyone was alarmed, and many
sprang from their berths and began to dress.
The captain's little daughter, just 8 years old,
was awakened and cried with fright, "What's
the matter?" When they told her about the
storm she asked, "Is Father on deck?"
Assured that he was, the little one dropped
back onto her pillow without a fear. In spite
of the howling winds and crashing waves,
she was soon fast asleep. Never fear child
of God, your Father is always on deck!)
I. Elijah's Test
II. Elijah's Trust
A. God's Man Is Vindicated - The widow
expresses her firm confidence that Elijah is who
he claimed to be. Apparently, Elijah and the
widow needed this little bit of encouragement.
(Illustration: Those who do not know the
Heavenly Father may mock at out use of faith in
the face of trials, but in the end, our faith will
always be vindicated! I remember when God
lead me to quit my public job. It was step of
faith that seemed impossible at the time.
However, six years later, I can say that faith in
God has been vindicated! He Who feeds the
sparrows looks after me as well. He Who puts
cloths on the grass of the field and repeatedly
proven His power in my life. I say that not to
brag about my faith, for it is small. I say that to
glorify God Who can take a tiny grain of faith
transform it into a power that can receive the
impossible! When God's people trust God
completely, He will see them through their
B. God Message Is Validated - The widow also
expresses her confidence in the Word of God.
When she sees the outworking of faith through
Elijah, she understands that God possesses all
power in Heaven and earth and that He will
perform His Word.
(Illustration: That is the basis of faith, Rom.
10:17. If God has given His word in a matter,
then you can rest assured that He will see to it
that His Word is kept to the letter. That which
God has promised His people is a reality, even
though it may not yet be seen.)
(Illustration: Why could Elijah pray for a
resurrection when none had ever happened?
Because of God's promise to sustain the little
band until the drought ended. That boy was
supposed to be alive when the first rains fell on
the land! Elijah prevailed in prayer because He
believed God's word!)
C. God's Method Is Victorious - Certainly,
allowing a child to die and be resurrected from
the dead would not have entered the minds of
most people. It is probably not how we would
have chosen to mold our man. However, I will
remind you that His ways are not our ways! In
the end, God's plan was accomplished.
1. The Widow Is Encouraged - The widow is
now strengthened and grounded in her faith.
She can believe God for anything! That is
the place God wants to bring us to! He
wants us to cast aside our doubts and cling
to His Word. When God moves in power, it
has a way of encouraging the troubled
2. The Prophet Is Enabled - Elijah is now
ready for the battles that lie ahead. God
has put him through school and placed him
in several impossible situations. Each time,
God has proven Himself to be greater than
the problem. Elijah has learned the lesson
that he can trust God for anything. He has
arrived at the place where he is ready to be
used of the Lord.
(Ill. God's method for growing us isn't always
pleasant, nor is it fun. However, it is
essential that we pass through the growing
process so that we can be better used of the
Lord. As God takes us through the battles,
and we see Him win them all by His power,
we are enabled, by faith, to trust Him for
even greater victories.)
Conc: Friend, where does this message find you this
morning? Are you facing situations that seem
impossible to you? Has it dawned on you yet that you
aren't there by accident? That things didn't just work
out that way in your life? Have you come to realize
that, if you are saved, nothing can happen to you that
isn't first approved by God? If we can ever understand
that, then we have taken the first step toward victory
over of situation!
Whatever it is that you are facing today, I challenge
you to bring it before the Lord and trust Him to see you
over it, around it or through it. Just like the widow
placed the burden of her dead son in the arms of
Elijah, I challenge you to place your burden this
morning into the outstretched arms of Jesus. He will
help you, but only when you trust Him by faith, 1 Pet.
5:7; Matt. 11:28.
If your problem is sin, Jesus can move that
mountain. If it is emotional, financial, interpersonal,
physical, spiritual, or anything else you can name, the
answer lies in bringing it to Jesus. Will you come to
the place where you can trust Him for your situation